Hannah Tipper | | Assignment 1

Question 1


Calculate GPA using this fun app!

Percentages to Letter Grades

Input an array of percentages (each value separated by a comma ",") to see the converted letter grade.

Letter Grades to Grade Points

Input an array of letter grades (each value separated by a comma ",") to see the converted percentage.

Question 2


See how this app can unscramble words!

Find Middle Characters

Input a word to find the middle character. (note if the length of the word is even, 2 characters will be returned)

Convert to Piglatin

Input a word or sentence to convert regular English to piglatin

Find the Largest String

Input a series of words/phrases/numbers (each element separated by a comma ",") to find the longest string.

Question 3


Calculate numbers with this app!

Find the Maximum

Input two numerical values to find the maximum.

Find the Minimum

Input three numerical values to find the minimum.

Find the Largest Number

Input an array of numbers (each number separated by a comma ",") to find the largest value.

Find if the Value is Even

Input a number to see if the value is an even number (note both 0,2 and negative values count as even).

Find the Cumulative Sum

Enter any number to find out its cumulative sum.

Find the Filtered Cumulative Sum

Enter any number to find out its cumulative sum (filtering will only sum multiples of 3 and 5.

Calculate Reach Single

Enter any number to find out how many times it takes to return the product of each digit to a singular digit.